Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 4 --- Invasion!

The seismic trucks came; not the ones laying the cables, but the actual trucks.  Thankfully, I was home to take some pictures.  They came up the road, thundering, roaring, spewing diesel fumes, and stopped in front of my house–--and very close to my water well.  Three trucks, each with a heavy metal plate that drops and lays on the surface.  All three drop their plates, then send vibrations through the earth.  It rattled the house, the trees, and me.  Hopefully, the things below-- such as my water well, basement rafters, tree roots, etc.--are okay.

It’s obvious that the worker didn’t contact his project manager and my pragmatic mind never thought he would.  Sure, I can tolerate most things, but I don’t like this idea of being invaded–and that’s exactly what it is..  If you want this, you sign up for it, and “they” come and ruin YOUR land, YOUR water, etc.  But leave me out.  Draw a perimeter around me, and stay off my property, out of my way, and leave the thundering sonic booms to someone else to deal with.

 Interestingly, this would be a great cause of action for an attorney.  The invasion of the booms under the soil, to me, is considered trespass.  Just as if someone wanted to dig an underlayment for pipe and in so doing, trespassed onto another’s property.  And I have not given them access–at all.  Every time they have requested, I have refused.  If we own what is beneath us, all the way down to the core of the earth, why hasn’t someone come up with this testing as a cause of action for trespass?  Surely, the seismic booms were outside the easement on the road; I felt them standing in my yard.  And the pictures clearly show how close to the house, and my water well, these trucks were.

While we can't do anything about natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc., we can do something about this.  And yet, it's a mega monster that feeds people money; some of whom need it and some who are greedy.

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